Dr. Cheryl Dileo
Laura H. Carnell Professor: Music Therapy
Director, Arts & Qualify of Life Research Center
Coordinator PhD Program, Temple University
I am delighted to offer warm congratulations for the establishment of the JAPANESE ASSOCIATION FOR THE PROMOTION OF MEDICAL MUSIC THERAPY. The goals of this association are extremely important in promoting the field of medical music therapy, not only in Japan, but also internationally. Of special importance is the emphasis on research in medical music therapy; this research will inevitably assist in the continued evolution of evidence-based practice in the field and ultimately serve to benefit patients and their families. This association is interdisciplinary in nature. This focus is extremely important in the clinical practice of medical music therapy as well as medical music therapy research. Patients and their families are always best served when the expertise of the interdisciplinary team is employed. Similarly, the synergy of the interdisciplinary team is essential in designing and implementing the highest quality research.
There are various approaches to the use of music in medical settings; music therapy, music medicine and hospital concerts by musicians. Music therapy, which involves the evidence-based use of music and therapeutic relationship to address a wide range of clinical needs in patients; these needs may be physiological, psychological, spiritual, cognitive and/or developmental in nature. In music therapy, both the range of music interventions, specially selected by the therapist following careful assessment, as well as the empathic relationship established between patient and therapist are essential factors in healing. Music therapists undergo specialized training and hold bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral degrees in the field.
Music medicine is the use of music by medical professionals to enhance the patient’s experience during diagnosis and treatment. Music medicine typically involves the use of pre-recorded music, and there is no therapeutic relationship established with the patient through the music itself, and there is no process of assessment, treatment and evaluation as there is in music therapy.
Hospital concerts are typically provided by musicians who aim to humanize and enhance the hospital environment for patients, their families and medical staff. These concerts are often provided in public areas of the hospital, and help in reducing anxiety and promoting positive moods among listeners. Musicians who provide these concerts are not typically trained for this work beyond training as musicians.
Music therapists, in addition to their work in music therapy, may also coordinate and ensure the appropriate implementation of music medicine and concerts by musicians in hospitals.
I am greatly honored to be an international honorary member of the JAPMMT. I hope that this association will be a model for the establishment of similar organizations in other countries. I congratulate the JAPMMT for its vision and innovation for the field of medical music therapy.
医療の場での音楽の使用には、音楽療法(Music Therapy)、音楽処方(Music Medicine)、音楽家による院内コンサートなど様々な取り組みがあります。
Dr. Cheryl Dileo is a Board-Certified music therapist with a number of years of experience as a clinician and consultant. Her degrees are as follows: B.M.T., Loyola University of the South, M.M.T, Loyola University of the South and Ph.D.:Music Education for College Teaching, Louisiana State University
She currently coordinates the PhD Program in Music Therapy and is the Director of the Arts and Quality of Life Research Center at Temple University. She founded the music therapy program at the University of Evansville and was the Consultant for the development of the Berklee College of Music. She has served on the music therapy faculty at Loyola University. She was named the McAndless Distinguished Scholar and Professor in the Humanities for the 2002-3 academic year at Eastern Michigan University. She is currently on the Honorary Faculty at the University of Melbourne Australia, and a member of the PhD Program Advisory Board at Aalborg University, Denmark. She has served as Co-Editor of Voice, an open-access music therapy journal. She currently serves on the Advisory Board of the Nordic Journal of Music Therapy, and has served on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Music Therapy, and Editorial Consultant for Music Therapy: The Journal of the American Association for Music Therapy, and on the Editorial Boards of the International Journal of Arts in Psychotherapy and the Journal of Music Therapy and MusicMedicine (Germany).
Dr. Dileo served as a grant consultant for the National Institute of Health, the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, and the National Cancer Institute. She has held a variety of leadership positions in the National Association for Music Therapy, including President, Vice-President, and Council Coordinator. She played a leading role in the development of the NAMT Code of Ethics, and has Co-Chaired AMTA's Ethics Board. The American Association for Music therapy has honored her with the Lifetime Achievement Award, the Award of Merit, as well as the Distinguished Research/Publication Award. She was the recipient of the 2006 Temple University Faculty Research Award. She has also served in a variety of leadership positions for the World Federation of Music Therapy, including, President, Past-President, Chair of the Commission on Ethics and Business Manager. She developed the WFMT Guidelines for Ethics and Research.
She has given more than 200 lectures and workshops in this country and abroad, having conducted lecture tours on 5 continents. She has authored/edited co-edited 17 books and over 80 book chapters. Currently, she is a co-author of 7 Cochrane systematic reviews on medical music therapy for the Cochrane Library. She has received grant funding from a variety of sources, including the State of PA Formula Fund and the Barra Foundation. Her research interests include: quantitative analyses and meta-analyses of the effects of music therapy in medicine, the development and testing of new music therapy interventions in medicine, particularly involving songs, entrainment, and improvised music; multicultural issues in music therapy practice; and spirituality, meaning and the use of narratives in music therapy practice.
シェリル・ディレオ博士は臨床家やコンサルタントとして長年の経歴を持つ米国認定音楽療法士である。ロヨラ大学サウス校(現ロヨラ大学ニューオリンズ校)学士及び修士課程修了(B.M.T.及びM.M.T.)、ルイジアナ州立大学博士課程修了(Music Education for College Teaching)。
現在、テンプル大学音楽療法博士課程責任者であり、同大学の芸術とQoL(生活の質)研究センター(Arts and Quality of Life Research Center)センター長を務める。エバンズビル大学音楽療法プログラムを設立、バークリー音楽大学音楽療法プログラム開発顧問、ロヨラ大学音楽療法教授を歴任。2002-2003年度東ミシガン大学にて人文学におけるマックアンドレス名誉教授を務める。現在、オーストラリア・メルボルン大学名誉教授、デンマーク・オールボー大学音楽療法博士課程諮問委員。オープンアクセス音楽療法専門誌Voice 元・共編者、Nordic Journal of Music Therapy現・諮問委員、the Journal of Music Therapy現・編集委員、Music Therapy: The Journal of the American Association for Music Therapyの現・編集顧問、the International Journal of Arts in Psychotherapyとthe Journal of Music Therapy and Music Medicine(ドイツ)の編集委員を務める。
Dr. Joanne Loewy DA, LCAT, MT-BC
Associate Professor, Icahn School of Medicine, Mount Sinai Health System
Director, The Louis Armstrong Center for Music and Medicine, Mount Sinai Health System
I am most honored and excited to be assisting in the launch of music medicine and music therapy in Japan. Our recent music therapy NICU institute at the world congress in Japan had nearly 300 participants and through the past decade The Louis Armstrong Center for Music and Medicine has housed and trained numerous music therapists and medical teams interested in building music therapy in hospitals and clinics in Japan.
Our models are international, but our focus on culture and, in particular the discreet norms of each country, inclusive of the music and family and existent patient trends are critical to assess, and are carefully incorporated into expanding models of practice.
My visits to Japan, including recently being hosted for a keynote at the 2014 conference in Osaka, which introduced me to the beauty, refined simplicity, and sophisticated culture of the Japanese people. Models of music and medicine inclusive of the environment are critical to the EMT (environmental music therapy) aspects of our work.
Having the opportunity to visit hospitals in Japan and to have made a Grand Rounds and conduct some sessions-made me distinctly aware of how important music may be to the building of community for Japanese patients and staff.
My hope is to provide support and opportunities to delve into the unique aspects of care that may be researched, realized and instituted within the Japanese way of thinking and experiencing.
I look forward to lending my knowledge and experience in helping to institute new programs in tandem with Japan's medical and music therapeutic way of developing, and to fortify the understanding of integrative medical practice as this concept, now inclusive of music and medicine is growing internationally. I am honored to serve.
Joanne Loewy DA, LCAT, MT-BC is a clinician, researcher and international public speaker. She lectures and develops programs in specialties of clinical practice in Music and Medicine across the globe. Her research and models of music therapy informed by music medicine have been featured in the NYTimes, The Wall Street Journal, Stern, Geo, the Japanese Journal of Pediatrics, among other principle news forums.
As the Founder and Director of the Louis Armstrong Department of Music Therapy, in 1994, and an Associate Professor at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, her clinical expertise spans the lifespan. She is a Founding Member of the International Association for Music and Medicine. The Louis Armstrong Center for Music and Medicine, which she initiated in 2005, among many populations serves neonates, patients of all ages with chronic and acute pain, and specializes in music therapy for patients with asthma and COPD.
Dr. Loewy has instituted a team of clinicians who provide full and comprehensive Oncology music therapy practice, from diagnosis to in-patient care, chemo and radiation oncology, music therapy is part of each stage, including end of life care. She has also developed a specialized training for the treatment of musicians and their unique ailments including chronic fatigue, chemical dependency, performance anxiety and overuse. Loewy's focus in mental health on children with developmental delays, teens with emotional issues, adults with neurological disorders and those with chemical dependence, as well as HIV, has expanded and addressed critical issues related to common mental health dysfunctions, such as depression, anxiety and traumatic events.
Dr. Loewy is the co-Editor in Chief of the international, peer reviewed journal 'Music and Medicine' and serves on several editorial boards-and is a Cochrane NICU and Cochrane Palliative Care reviewer. She has numerous publications in medical journals related to the study of music medicine and music psychotherapy in medicine. Dr Loewy has received several awards-the Mary Hanna research award, the Professional Practice Award from the American Music Therapy Association , and the Clinical Impact Award from the World Federation of Music Therapy. She also received a development and honorary membership from the International Association for Music and Medicine, as well as clinical model team building award from the Society for the Arts in Healthcare.
Dr Loewy received her doctorate from NYU and has also edited several books including Music Therapy in Pediatric Pain, Music Therapy in the NICU, and she co-edited Music Therapy at End of Life and Caring for the Caregiver: Music Therapy in Grief and Trauma and the new Integrative Advances in Music and Medicine: Music, the Breath and Health.
She is on the faculty teaching Music and Medicine at several universities including: The University of Barcelona, University of Madrid, Drexel University, Molloy College and has led numerous NICU music therapy trainings, Pain workshops and medical Grand Rounds on unique topics related to Music Psychotherapy in Medicine. She has incorporated medical teams into the direct teaching in pursuit of successful development of new and novel family-centered care in hospitals across the United States, Scandinavia, Europe, Asia, and Canada.
Joanne Loewy DA, LCAT, MT-BC。芸術学博士。NY州認定クリエイティブ・アートセラピスト。米国認定音楽療法士。
1994年、マウント・サイナイ病院内ルイ・アームストロング音楽療法部門の創設者兼責任者に就任。マウントサイナイ医科大学准教授。臨床経験は周産期から終末期までと、人間の誕生から死までにわたる。音楽と医療(Music and Medicine)国際学会創設者の1人。2005年にマウントサイナイ病院内ルイ・アームストロング音楽療法センターを設立。同センターでは様々な患者を対象とし、その中には新生児や慢性及び急性の疼痛を持つ全ての年代の患者を含み、さらに喘息や慢性閉塞性肺疾患を持つ患者を専門にした音楽療法などを行う。
ローウィ博士は国際的なピア・レビュー専門誌「音楽と医療(Music and Medicine)」共編集長や、コクラン・ライブラリーの新生児集中治療室(NICU)及び緩和ケアのコクラン編集委員、その他複数の専門誌の編集委員を務める。音楽と医療や医学における音楽心理療法の研究に関連する多数の文献を医療専門誌へ発表。周麻酔期看護ジャーナルよりMary Hanna研究賞、米国音楽療法協会(AMTA)より専門的実践賞、音楽療法世界連盟(WFMT)より臨床革新賞、医療芸医術協会(SAH)より臨床モデルチーム形成賞など複数の賞を受賞。音楽と医療国際協会(IAMM)発展・名誉会員。
ニューヨーク大学で博士号を取得し、「音楽療法と小児の痛み(Music Therapy and Pediatric Pain)」、「NICUにおける音楽療法(Music Therapy in the NICU)」をはじめ複数の書籍を編集。「終末期の音楽療法(Music Therapy at the End of Life)」、「ケアをする人のためのケア:グリーフとトラウマにおける音楽と音楽療法(Caring for the Caregiver: The Use of Music and Music Therapy in Grief and Trauma)」、「 音楽、呼吸と健康:統合的音楽療法の発展(Music, The Breath And Health: Advances In Integrative Music Therapy)」の共編者でもある。
Dr. Claire Ghetti
Professor of Music Therapy
The Grieg Academy Music Therapy Research Centre (GAMUT)
The Grieg Academy – Department of Music
University of Bergen, Norway
It is a great honor to support the efforts of the Japanese Association for Promotion of Medical Music Therapy, in their development of culturally-relevant forms of music therapy practice and research within Japanese medical contexts.
A methodologically strong and multi-faceted research portfolio is important to the development of music therapy as a discipline and a profession in any cultural context. I applaud the JAPMMT for mindfully initiating feasibility study of music therapy for medical patients in Japan. It is important to identify which approaches to music therapy practice and research have relevance and cultural significance within Japanese contexts. A wide complement of research approaches, including qualitative, quantitative and arts-based methods, can help elucidate what meaning music therapy can have for the people and systems that engage in it. Interdisciplinary collaboration is necessary to assure mindful development of both practice and research, and the JAPMMT is well positioned to use its interdisciplinary membership to further such aims. Japanese cultural connections related to nature, spirituality, family and tradition will be relevant for forming culturally-salient forms of music therapy practice and research. I encourage the interdisciplinary colleagues at JAPMMT to center that which makes your culture(s) unique, as you collaborate to develop music therapy in Japanese medical contexts. Within this process of collaborative development, it will be important to center the experiences of those who engage in music therapy and to acknowledge and engage with the ideologies that lie behind various understandings of music and health.
I am pleased to respectfully serve as an international honorary member of the JAPMMT. I support and encourage the JAPMMT in their efforts to develop culturally-relevant and salient approaches to researching the possibilities that music therapy affords those in Japanese medical contexts. I wish you well on this journey of discovery!
Claire M. Ghetti, PhD is a researcher, educator and clinician who is a board-certified music therapist (USA) and certified child life specialist. Claire is Professor of Music Therapy at The Grieg Academy - Department of Music, University of Bergen, Norway. Claire’s research centers on how music and the relationships that are enabled through musicking are resources that help buffer against traumatization and enable generation of health in intensive medical contexts. She is particularly interested in ecological and culture-centered perspectives on health.
Claire is currently principal investigator of a 4-year, qualitative-dominant, mixed methods study using microanalysis to understand parental contributions to parent-infant relation in the setting of music therapy in the neonatal intensive care context (Research Council of Norway, RCN 335416). She has served as a principal investigator of the 4-year, multinational randomized controlled trial LongSTEP evaluating the impact of music therapy on parent-infant bonding between preterm infants and their caregivers (RCN 273534). Her research profile encompasses a breadth of research methodologies including feasibility studies, action research, case study research, hermeneutic phenomenological studies, theoretical research, meta-analyses (including Cochrane review), randomized controlled trials, and mixed methods research.
Claire has published research and theoretical work in the area of music therapy as procedural support for invasive medical procedures, music therapy for hospitalized children at risk for traumatization and music therapy as emotional-approach coping to improve peri-procedural outcomes. Additional research interests include research methodology, theory development and music therapy for people with substance use problems. Claire is co-editor-in-chief of the open access, social justice-oriented online music therapy journal, Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy. Claire holds a Ph.D. in music therapy with a minor in health psychology from the University of Kansas.
クレア・M・ゲッティ博士は、米国認定音楽療法士および認定チャイルド・ライフ・スペシャリストの資格を持つ研究者、教育者、臨床家である。カンザス大学で健康心理学を副専攻し、音楽療法の博士号を取得した。現在、ノルウェーのベルゲン大学グリーグ・アカデミー音楽学部音楽療法学科教授を務めている。社会正義志向のオープンアクセス音楽療法ジャーナル「Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy」の共同編集長である。博士の研究の中心は、集中治療の現場において音楽とミュージッキング(音楽をすること)を通して可能となる関係性が、いかにトラウマへの緩衝材となり、健康を生み出すリソースになり得るかという点に焦点を当てている。特に、健康に対する生態学的・文化中心的視点に関心を持っている。
現在、新生児集中治療での音楽療法において、親子関係にいかに親が寄与しているかを理解するために、ミクロ分析を用いた4年間の質的優位の混合法研究の主任研究者を務めている(ノルウェー研究評議会、RCN 335416)。また、過去にも音楽療法が早産児とその養育者の間の絆に与える影響を評価する4年間の多国籍無作為化比較試験LongSTEP(RCN 273534)の主任研究者を務めた。これまでの研究では、フィージビリティ(実現可能性)・スタディ、アクション・リサーチ、事例研究法、解釈学的現象学的研究、理論的研究、メタ分析(コクラン・レビューを含む)、無作為化比較試験、混合法研究など、幅広い研究方法論を網羅している。